Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Saga Continues

Just when things are going great...

Reaghan spiked a fever Monday night, and by yesterday she started getting this rash across her lower abdomen and diaper area. I assumed it was just heat rash from her fever, but lo and behold last night I noticed the sores.

They started as a few "canker" looking sores in her mouth, and what looked like tiny blisters on her toes when she went to bed last night. This morning they turned into ugly painful looking sores in her mouth, but the ones on her hands and feet still look the same. Nothing you can do for this other than Tylanol and fluids...just a virus. From what I understand, every toddler gets Hand, Foot, and Mouth before the age of three, but it doesn't make you feel any better when she is sobbing in your arms first thing in the morning before the Tylanol kicks in. I can't believe Nixon isn't sick...yet...

1 comment:

R&D said...

Get well soon sweetheart!

Grandma and Grampa send huggs & kisses.